Take the Noble County Housing Survey by April 12!
The survey is available online at:
The Noble County Planning Commission, in partnership with Ohio State Extension – Noble County, Community Development and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, is developing an action plan to improve the availability, affordability and quality of housing in Noble County. As part of the action planning process, the committee has some questions for individuals living or working in Noble County. Your feedback is important!
The questions ask about your current housing situation, preferences in housing and perceptions of Noble County. We are also asking for your ideas to improve housing in Noble County.
Please have an adult (age 18 or over) in your household complete the survey. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and your responses are confidential. Information you provide will be reported in aggregate so your individual responses are not identifiable.
Paper copies of the survey are also available upon request at OSU Extension.
Questions? Contact Gwynn Stewart at OSU Extension – Noble County at 740-305-3177 or via email at stewart.1818@osu.edu.