The Noble County Commissioners
Public Meeting Hours: Monday 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. & Wednesday 9:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M.
The Commissioner’s Office will be open by appointment, daily. Commissioners will be in session for their regularly scheduled public meetings. Any change of location (such as bid opening) will be posted in the Commissioner’s Office.

Floyd Allen Fraley
President Floyd Allen Fraley was elected to the position of Noble County Commissioner in November 2022.

Ty Moore
Vice President Ty Moore was elected to the position of Noble County Commissioner in 2016. Ty is a 1992 graduate of Bucknell University and a 1987 graduate of Caldwell High School.
“I enjoy trying to better Noble County. It’s always the people first with me. I consider Noble County to be the greatest place in the world. “

Gary Saling
Gary Saling was elected to the position of Noble County Commissioner.