As of August, Noble County is at 62% Completion!
Noble County Census 2020 ~ Everyone Counts! Watch a Quick Video
Watch for Census Mailings coming to your mailbox! Complete the Census by Computer, Mail or Phone! You do NOT need a code to complete.
For everyone NOT counted, Ohio loses $1,206 per person each year for 10 years!
In March of 2020, The Census Bureau mailed a letter invitation asking you to complete the Census questionnaire online. They will also mail out reminders. The form will only take about 10 minutes to complete and yet it will determine the future of you, your family and our greater Noble and Ohio communities for the next 10 years!
You can also complete by phone at 1-844-330-2020.
If you watch for the Census Card in the mail and fill it out and return it when you receive it, then you will not be visited by a Census worker and you do not need to answer the door to a stranger. If you are unable to complete the form online, you will still have the option to respond to the Census via phone and mail to ensure your whole family is counted.
According to the Census Bureau, Census data is the most secure that any data can be. You can’t find any information that would identify you as an individual, including your individual home address or citizenship status. Private information is never published.
Census data are used all around you. Local governments use the census for public safety and emergency preparedness. The census results are used to reapportion the U.S. House of Representatives, determining how many seats each state receives. State officials also redraw boundaries of the congressional and state legislative districts according to the population data.
The Noble County 2020 Census Complete Count Committee is working to raise awareness and educate all Noble County residents on the critical importance of the Census. If you have an event and would like flyers or a speaker, please contact Gwynn Stewart at Ohio State University Extension at 740-732-5681.
Attention Churches! Download a bulletin insert