Noble County Public Transit is having an immediate positive impact on the residents of the
county. John Sampson, supervisor of Morgan, Monroe, and Noble County Public Transit, told the Noble
County Commissioners Noble County Public Transit serviced county residents on 107 trips in
just its first nine days. “Ninety of those trips were for those seeking medical attention,” Sampson stated. “Ten went to
places of employment, six for shopping, and one for personal use.” “We knew this new service would be invaluable to our people, especially the elderly,” stated Allen Fraley, President of the Noble County Commissioners. “Once more people know it’s
available, it will be used extensively.” In other business, Misty Wells, Executive Director of the Noble County Department of Job and
Family Services informed the Commissioners she is in need of additional help with the Children’s Protective Services program.
Justin Seebach told the Commissioners of his plans for improvements to the playground at the Noble County Fairgrounds near the pool. He stated he wants to make it all-inclusive playground and handicap accessible. “This could be a one-to-three-year project, but the playground will be available to all children,” Seebach stated. “We want to include a shade area and a platform at the ball fields where parents can watch their kids at the playground.”